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Summer to autumn

As we say goodbye to summer and welcome the new academic year, we watch the garden turn to autumn, although there are still plenty of plants to see. including crab apples,

autumn olives, raspberries and mints of all varieties.

The flower beds at the station platform are looking great. We should hear more about how we did in the TFL In Bloom competition in late September.

Now it’s raining again, we don’t have to water the new plants as much. The mustard seeds we planted as green manure have self-seeded as we’d hoped and are a flash of colour alongside the other seeds we sowed. The mustard flowers are also delicious to eat.

We continue to work on the beds and will plant and mulch more as funds allow us to try to suppress the weeds. If you’d also like to help, email us

and we'll add you to the WhatsApp group.

We're also exploring collaborative opportunities with Northwest Hospital Trust, including Northwick Park Hospital, to improve their green areas.

Looking forward to seeing you in the garden!

Eleri, Jo and Iris

Images: Autumn olives at Northwick Park Community Garden, Mustard flowers at Northwick Park Tube Station

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